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Friday 24 February 2012

More final print experimentation

I'm getting through silkscreens like billy-o now! My hand's getting cramps from drawing kodatraces and my eyes are starting to go weird and I've only just begun - Yikes!

This orange piece to the left is another example of my highly skilled shibori technique (?!) which will serve as a ground. The idea for the batik and shibori grounds I'm using stem (hehehe) from the textures found in the plantforms from which all my imagery is based.

These prints are not in their final stage yet, I'm playing with the imagery by mixing and matching motifs and they will develop in a highly appropriately organic manner.

Next week I have to forsake the print room to run a huge errand in London (life outside college just will not wait till I'm finished dammit!) which I must admit I'm not happy about. They've been so quiet and peaceful and the luxury of space is something that surely can't last.


  1. Thank you for your kind comment on my blog! Your stuff looks great and good luck with your final project !

  2. nice post for design printing,, i like design and printing also keep it up man http://neoprint-smg.blogspot.com/
